Sculpture Clinic by Dr Nema
Neuromodulators (Botox, Azzalure or Bocouture) are the most commonly non-surgical cosmetic procedure performed in Europe and America. They have risen to extreme popularity because they are fast, effective, and can look great when performed by a skilled practitioner. Neuromodulators are used to soften the wrinkles of the face and to prevent and reverse signs of aging.
Beautiful, Natural Results
Neuromodulators smooth out the muscles of the face and neck. This technique is especially powerful for erasing forehead wrinkles, crows feet, and furrows between the eyes-- all of which can make a person look upset or angry even when he or she is not.
Actual patient, before and after Neuromodulators. Image credit Allergan. Results lasts 3-4 months in most people.
Dr. Nema has his patients' busy schedules in mind when performing treatments. The first time you try Neuromodulatros, plan to spend 30-45 minutes in the office to get an in-depth facial analysis, recommendations from Dr. Nema, and your treatment. Subsequent visits can be as quick as 15-20 minutes to accommodate your lunch break or other obligations.
Treatments sting a bit because they involve a needle prick. Most of our patients find that Dr. Nema's technique is relatively quick and tolerable. If you are nervous about pain or feel that you would like a bit of extra pain relief, we can use numbing cream on your skin, pretreatment with a cold compress, a local anesthetic nerve block, a custom-made proprietary vibratory pain relief device, a product that contains numbing medicine, or any combination of those.
Actual patient, before and after Neuromodulators. Image credit Allergan. Results lasts 3-4 months in most people.
As well as softening wrinkles, neuromodulators can be injected into areas that are prone to tension, such as the jawline and trapesius muscle, to provide fairly instant but temporary relief for teeth-grinders and desk-workers with poor posture. They work by inhibiting nerve cell communication in the areas injected, leading to the relaxation of the muscles, which can also shrink over time. This reduces knots and pain, as well as leading to the appearance of a slimmer neck and shoulders.
Yes – they are actually FDA-approved for treating excessive sweating, specifically when injected into the armpits. They have been shown to work for sweaty hands and feet too. They can reduce sweat production in a targeted area when injected there by blocking the release of the neurotransmitter that signals the sweat glands to produce sweat, tackling excessive sweating at its source.
Actual patient, before and after Neuromodulators. Image credit Allergan. Results lasts 3-4 months in most people.
Nothing will relax the muscles that create dynamic wrinkles in the way that botulinum toxins can. But if you don’t fancy it, there are many other approaches to try. You could:
Try other treatments that will reduce the appearance of lines by boosting collagen growth within the skin, such as MICRONEEDLING/ RADIOFREQUENCY, or RESURFACING LASER treatment.
Use a NIGHT CREAM containing Retinol. This will stimulate the growth of collagen within the skin and this will reduce the appearance of wrinkles.